Experiments and Collaborations:
1. Ongoing free Writing Prompt Group
Every Friday at 8am CST
No Experience Necessary
90 Minutes
4 prompts with a short break in the middle and the opportunity to read your work aloud.
2. Zoom Experiments & Collaborations
Let’s experiment and collaborate together and see what happens. Let’s turn zoom upside down and explore new ways of spending time together.
Each session will have between 1 and 20 or so collaborative experiments.
Here are some of the things we will explore:
Think Tanks
Junk Drawer/ Fridge Tours
Dream Analysis
Kindle Fortune
Call and Response
Whining and Complaining
Feeling Club
Meet a pet
Mix Book
Light Bright
Fun with Air
Everything is a puppet
Mini Lectures
One minute stories
Phone calls on someone else’s behalf
Observation Tunnels
Text Plays
One Poet Binge
Advanced Pretending
Hot Seat
Everything is an Oracle
Rhyming Land
Gallery of Hands
Object Symphonics
Color Load-Up.
Zoom dioramas
Phone Call on Your Behalf