I have the most wonderful men in my court and I am so lucky. The court is crowded with them and it is like a party, but a good party, a party that even a party-hater would want to be at for at least a few moments. And if the net upon this court rips from the anyone pressing against it, these men will repair and reinforce the net with special supplies. They will drive to several stores for these supplies and make calculations like they are on some sort of treasure hunt- mission impossible mission and I will let them do all this even if I could have done it myself because it is a gift to receive. These men see me and love me and take me seriously and care about my brain and my soul and my happiness. I could call any of them at 4am. They are straight and gay and one of them even used to be a woman a few years back. They are young and old and they are my heroes. It's 2014. Enough with the male-bashing already. Give men something to do and you will be amazed how they come through. The initial grumble or pause is just the overture. (Some men are a little creaky like that tin-man.) Just wait. The symphony will begin soon enough. Say nothing. Smile. Eventually they will puff-up, saunter around and instantly grow taller just so they can grab you a cloud from the sky because you mentioned that you wanted one for your specialty cloud collection.
Barrie Cole