I have to say that "parenthetically" is an even better word than "nevertheless." "Nevertheless," is of course a three in one word that never disappoints in the way that almost every other three in one type doohickey or gadget available in today's market of thingamajigs does, but "parenthetically," encompassing the parenthetical so remarkably well without really veering anywhere unexpected is just really such a something of a word. I mean, parenthetically speaking, "parenthetically" is exactly just as little or as much as one would like it to be and furthermore- that it takes these punctuation marks which are of course marks and not words: "( ) "and just incorporates them in a useful way in the form of a single word that is also the name of the punctuation mark(s) itself is really something and that one could use both the word and the marks in a single statement is really quite mind blowing on a certain level and so enjoyable all the way around. Parenthetically, how enjoyable too, in the parenthetical landscape of possible enjoyments that "parenthetically" is. (Really, "parenthetically" is almost an Iphone or an entire galaxy depending on what is being made parenthetical.) And parenthetically, what about this idea? What about just using one parenthesis, thus having everything that came before this ")" have an assumed unseen this: "(." Or, it could go the other way too and begin parenthetically with this: "(" but never have this ")" and be a kind of cousin of the ellipses. Parenthetically speaking, it really makes me want to take #,$,=,*,@, and < and just kidnap them for new punctuative? (Word?) purposes. Finally, I know that this "(" and ")" are parenthesis, but is there another word for just "(" or ")" or is either one known as a parenthesis? Is there a singular word?
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Barrie Cole